Posts by british-section-asso

  • A rehearsal : Top Girls


     On Wednesday, January 9th  , the students of the British Section were rehearsing Caryl Churchill's Top Girls , at the MJC (La Baule) on the very stage on which they will perform to the public on the 1st and 2nd of February.

        The group is only made of girls . These young actresses follow the group of actors who performed brilliantly, late December, The History Boys under the direction of William Blasco.

        Top Girls is part of the program and of the contemporary repertoire. The author was born in 1938, it committed through this play a reflection on women's empowerment . The main character, Marlene, is destined for a great career in the Top Girls agency. She comes from the countryside of England, full of traditions, where her sister and niece still live . In London, she tries to build her present and her future, surrounded by women who are all female destinies, resigned or struggling.
        Good atmosphere for this long afternoon. Many students rehearse on the stage, with their costumes, under the watchful guidance of Ms. Blasco . Other revise their lines, sing (in English) in the lobby of the MJC, accompanying themselves with the piano.


        Some have already acted last year in the play Our Country 's Good . Why did you continue the adventure of theater this year ? "It's great, everyone can thrive in a collective enterprise.", "Acting allows a better understanding of the play. ", "This is an interesting and fun experience. " What does Mary, who has joined the cast this year, think ? "I did theater for 8 years, out of school , and when I saw the work done last year for Our Country 's Good , I wanted to be a part of it. "



    What does this play bring to young girls in 2013 ? The action takes place in the 80s . Are these feminist struggles relevant ? -" Yes, perhaps , but not in the same ways. " Our young actresses feel that the status of women has changed ! Some situations are a little too far for them to reach (maybe because they are younger than their characters ) . Delphine said she " had to make an effort to get into the role of Jeanine, a young secretary looking for a job. " Choosing between a family life and the constraints of a job : is it a dilemma for women today ? The young company hesitates : 

    ... Coline notes that " in their time, these women were avant-garde. "


        Marie rightly concludes by saying that her character has confidence in herself, while she is not as asserted.

     Beyond Feminism , isn't building self-confidence the most important ?



        Top Girls , a play to see and ponder on !









  • Christmas Party 2012

    Merry Christmas

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    Merry Christmas

    The 12th edition of the Christmas Party, Friday, December 14, has been a huge success with his captivated audience.

       MSomveille Ms. Jordy and Mrs. Verdon attended the show, prepared by the students and their teachers.

      Small theater stages, Twelve days before Christmas, were presented.

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    It could also applaud the college and high school students for songs on the Christmas theme, including, of course, Rudolf red nose.

      240 people attended the evening and then found a buffet. The association has once again relied on a great catering team that helped us enormously.

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  • Rehearsals : History Boys

    Wednesday, December 12th : Last afternoon of rehearsal for the theater group of students of the British Section who will perform, next week, Alan 


    Bennett's play, The History Boys . The group is made of eight actors, seven boys and a girl, led by William Blasco , counseled and encouraged by other students and Sarah , assistant in English, all together and warmed by their enthusiasm in the Maison des Lycéens.

     The play is part of the contemporary repertoire . It was created in 2004 and its author , novelist , playwright , actor, screenwriter and director, was born in 1934. It has known a great success , won the Olivier Award for Best New Play in 2005 and Tony Awarde in 2006. It resulted in a film in which the actors of the play acted. This piece is part of the program for high school seniors this year.The action takes place in 1980 in a school where students are preparing to enter Oxford or Cambridge. Hector is a professor of literature with little academic methods which advocates a lively approach to culture . He is popular with students, but the familiar behavior he demonstrates causes his dismissal. The Director concerned of the students' results, then recruits Irwin to train students for the competition that awaits them. He bases his method on the awakening of the critical eye.

    The play stimulates reflection on teaching , pedagogy , issues around the three characters , Hector, Irwin and the Director, but also through the reactions and reflections of students. We can easily understand that it has challenged our young actors. They expressed surprise at the first reading and their pleasure to work on a text which is contemporary by its language and the questions it raises . They appreciated the funny moments in a show with a serious background. Did they have trouble to slip into the shoes of the characters ? Not really. Most of them have the same age as the character they embody and the academic world that is shown is not completely foreign to them .

    16The atmosphere in the rehearsal room and the interest for the theater and for this play encouraged other students to join the group . All agree that the preparation of this performance brings them a better understanding of this part of the curriculum, especially with a text so full of literary and artistic allusions that enlarges their general knowledge.


    On stage, that is to say in the lower part of the Maison des Lycéens , William Blasco firmly and tactfully directs the progresses of these young actors, already in costume. He corrects here the tone of a voice, there a gesture... All start again patiently , one two, three times. Different settings of a scene are tested, to choose the best one... The viewer can appreciate the feat that this work represents : directing actors is an art, acting is an art ! Understanding one's character is not enough, they have to be actors , move on stage , dare gestures, tones of their voice they didn't know, in front of an audience, to give life to their characters . A beautiful work !

    Two performances are scheduled :

    Tuesday, December 18 at 19h
    Wednesday, December 19 at 19h
    Amphitheater High School Grand Air

    The students of La Baule welcome students from a high school in Le Havre for a performance of The History Boys and will go see it performed by students of International School in Saint -Germain -en- Laye in February 2013.

  • Summer school 2012


    Summer School 2 

    Nice work team of the Summer School this year.

                       Thursday 30 and Friday 31 August, were welcomed 23 children entering 6th. The team leaders: Mrs Heather Laillé, Laillé Claire, Lisa and Nickie Spendov Roussin deployed all their energy and expertise to provide children present activities that are both fun and rich learning.

                       Parents were expected Friday at 16:00 to attend the presentation of the work on these two days, after having sung in chorus the song of jubilee of the queen, the future 6th played small parts they themselves had written and then everyone could enjoy lesdélicieuses specialties prepared by the facilitators helped children (cucumber sandwiches, sausage rolls, flapjacks ....). Mrs. and Mrs. Verdon Chicaud gave us the pleasure of being with us. Congratulations to all for this great year!

                     Beau travail de l'équipe de la Summer School cette année encore.

                      Jeudi 30 et vendredi 31 août, ont été accueillis 23 enfants entrant en 6è. L'équipe des animatrices : Mmes Heather Laillé, Claire Laillé, Lisa Spendov et Nickie Roussin ont déployé toute leur énergie et leur savoir-faire pour offrir aux enfants présents des activités à la fois ludiques et riches d'apprentissage.Summer School 3-copie-1

                      Summer School 8

  • Garden Party 2012



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    Sunday, July 1, 2012

    Our Garden Party this year was held at the Garden Tennis Club in La Baule, in a nice   sun we welcomed new families, many future students for the sixième but also future students for the others classes came to share a drink and a picnic lunch in002 a friendly atmosphere.



    While some played tennis, we organized for the first time that a raffle was a great success thanks to our generous donors. Thank you again to them !



    Happy holidays to all.025