
  • concour best poem in sixths

    Here's the best poem of the sixth this year held by Ms. Chicaud

    The lucky lady is Eloise Roussin with his poem inspired by the Michael Rosen Rap :

    Poeme 6eme

    well done !

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  • General Assembly 2014

    The AGM of Grand Air's British Section took place on Friday 19th September 2014 in the Lycée's amphitheatre.
    Parents were greeted with an apéritif and a slice of quiche or pizza from 5:45 pm onwards.

    Our thanks to all those who participated or handed in their votes via friends so that the AG could take place in due form.

    Mr. Dominique Daniel, Secretary, opened the meeting . In the absence of the Headmaster, Mr. Somveille, who could not attend, Mrs Jordy and Mrs. Verdon   described the various school years and the different exams that they had taken, as well as their results. They also commended the British Section teachers for their commitment and excellent work(Mr. Briffaud, Mrs. Chicaud, Mrs. Morin and Mrs. Blasco) as well as the students for their hard work and excellent results. Those students who had sat and passed the First Certificate or Advanced Certificate were given their diplomas to the applause of the auditorium.

    Dsc 2031

    Dsc 2043

    Dsc 2044

    The meeting followed the Order of the Day, with the presentation of the Section, the past year's activities and future projects, the validation of the accounts, the validation of the seering committee,   and lastly the registration of parent volunteers  for : the Collège library, representatives for the Conseils de classe and various School and Section committees.

    A Callea  

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